Khamis, 25 September 2008


Finally I manage to finish the homework given.This week we learn about how to calculate the interest in investment and the simple amount.At first I'm still confused about the calculation but when I'm doing the excercise given I slowly understand it.

Ahad, 21 September 2008

Last Week

Last week,we learn how to calculate time for Interest and Simple Amount use 4 basis concepts.There are Exact time, Approximate time,Ordinary simple interest and Exact simlpe interest.Unluckly, there are many of my friends not come to that morning class because maybe they forget because in Monday our class always start in 2 a clock.At 2 p.m class we went to library to learn how to find information in the correct way. There are 7 way which are ????? Oh no I forgot that short form but I have write it in my note.Miss Ch'ng had given us excercise on that calculation but untill now(untill I write my blog) I still can't finished it because it quite difficult.HELP!HELP!HELP!

Math and I

I dont know how to express my feelings when I know this tourism course need me to learn mathemathic.Honestly, I dont like math, I thought after my secondary school I dont have to learn math any more.The first day I attend my math class I thought the lecture was fierce but she dont.Miss Ch'ng never angry us when she teach but she always encourage us.I will try my best to pass my final exam without repeating it.